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XSampler ► UI overview

A. Browse audio B. Show/hide advanced settings C. Menu D. Gate mode E. Loop mode F. One-Shot mode G. Preview H. Record 
I. Root key J. Keyboard K. Crossfade handle 
Browse Audio . Import an audio file from any folder. Supported formats include WAV, FLAC, OGG, MP3, M4A, AIF, AU, and WMA. You can also drag audio files directly into the Waveform panel.
Show/Hide Controls . Show/hide the Control panel, which contains additional parameters that let you process the sample. For details, see Control panel.
Edit Menu . Click the menu button to show the following commands:
Normalize Sample. Normalize the audio sample using either peak or RMS normalization. For details, see To normalize audio data.
Reverse Sample. Reverse the audio sample, making it play backwards. For details, see Reversing audio data.
Reset All Parameters. Reset all parameters to the default values.
Playback modes. Select the sample’s playback mode:
Gate . The sample plays through its entirety or until a note off is received, at which point amplitude decreases steadily to -inf over the duration specified by the amplitude EG Release time.
Loop . The sample plays through until it reaches the loop end marker, at which point it seeks to the loop start marker, repeating until a note off event at a volume level specified by the Sustain level. When a note off occurs, volume decreases to -inf for the duration specified by the amplitude EG Release time. For details, see Looping the sample.
One-Shot . The sample plays from start to end whether a key is held or not, following only the Attack portion of the amplitude EG. If you retrigger the sample while it is already playing, it will play again from the beginning, and the previous instance will decreases to -inf for the duration specified by the amplitude EG Release time. One-Shot mode is suitable for single drum sounds or sound effects where you always want the entire sound to play.
Preview . Preview the sample at its root note value (Tip: Use when adjusting the loop boundaries in Loop mode).
Record . Record audio directly into XSampler from any audio input. To select the audio input source, click the drop-down menu to open the Record Input menu. For details, see Recording a sample.
A. Loop drag zone B. Trim drag zone C. Crossfade drag zone 
Top. Drag to adjust the loop region in Loop mode. For details, see Looping the sample.
Middle. Drag the waveform edges to trim the sample. For details, see Trimming the sample.
Bottom. Drag the crossfade handle in Loop mode. For details, see Crossfading a looped sample.
Play notes. Click the keys will trigger the sample at the corresponding pitch. MIDI input keys are highlighted.
Set root key. The root key is blue. To change the root key, hold down the CTRL key and click a key. You can also drag the Root parameter up/down.
If the Stretch Mode parameter in the Controls panel is set to Original or n Bars, the sample can be pitch shifted +/- 1 octave. Keys below the root key will play the sample at a lower pitch and slower speed. Keys above the root key will play the sample at a higher pitch and faster speed. The keyboard highlights the valid key range (blue root one +/- 1 octave). To transpose the key range, change the root note.
A. Key range B. Root key (drag up/down to adjust) C. Root key (hold down CTRL and click to set) D. Triggered key 
Waveform preview. The small waveform preview lets you perform the same functions as in the large waveform display. For details, see Waveform panel.
Amp Envelope section. You have full control over the ADSR sections, which allow hold-sustain performance of the sample:
Attack. The time it takes for the sample to reach its target level after being triggered (0.00 milliseconds – 20.0 seconds).
Decay. The time it takes for the sample to reach its sustain level after the attack phase (1.00 milliseconds – 60.0 seconds).
Sustain. The level at which the sample will play while being held (-Inf dB – 0 dB).
Release. The time it takes for the sample level to fade after note release (1.00 milliseconds – 60.0 seconds).
Mono. Limits the number of simultaneous voices to one.
Gain. Set the overall output volume level (-Inf dB – 6 dB).
Pan. Set the overall panorama position in the stereo field (100L – 100R).
Audio Type. Select the type that best matches the sampler's audio material for optimized audio processing:
Shift. Tune the sample pitch in semitone steps (-12 steps – 12 steps).
Fine. Fine tune the sample pitch in cents (-50 cents – 50 cents). One cent is 1/100th of a semitone.
Cutoff Frequency. Controls the filter cutoff frequency (20Hz – 20.0kHz).
Resonance. Amount of signal emphasis relative to the cutoff frequency (0.10 – 10.00). Higher settings boost frequencies in the immediate vicinity of the cutoff frequency.
Filter Type. Select a filter type to enable cutoff and resonance:
None. No filter is applied.
LowPass. Passes lower frequencies and attenuates content above the cutoff frequency.
BandPass. Passes a select range of frequencies that surround the cutoff frequency, and attenuates the portions above and below that band.
HighPass. Passes higher frequencies and attenuates content below the cutoff frequency.
Stretch Mode. Specify the sample playback speed/duration:
None. The sample duration changes according to pitch. Keys below the root key will play the sample at a lower pitch and slower speed. Keys above the root key will play the sample at a higher pitch and faster speed.
Original. The sample plays at its original speed for all note pitches.
n bars. The sample duration matches the bars value relative to the current tempo.
Note: If the Stretch Mode parameter is set to Original or n Bars, the sample can be pitch shifted +/- 1 octave, as indicated by the highlighted keyboard keys.
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