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XSampler is a simple sampler that lets you import or record audio, perform basic processing, and play it like an instrument with up to 16 voices. Instantly convert a single audio file into a playable or triggable sound that can be played back at different pitches and speeds.
Figure 385. XSampler.
Click the Add Track button , select the Instrument tab , then click the Instrument drop-down menu and select Cakewalk > XSampler
Go to Insert > Soft Synth, then select Cakewalk > XSampler.
In the Plugins Browser, select the Instruments tab , then double-click Cakewalk > XSampler.
In the Plugins Browser, select the Instruments tab , expand the Cakewalk branch, then drag XSampler to a blank area in the Track pane or Clips pane.
Hold down the ALT key and drag an audio file from the Media Browser to an audio or MIDI track in the Clips pane. This converts the track to an XSampler instrument and loads the media file into XSampler. Multiselected files will create multiple instances of XSampler. Note: only audio and MIDI tracks and Simple Instrument tracks can be converted to XSampler tracks. Split Instrument tracks or shared Simple Instrument tracks will not be converted.
The Open in XSampler command bounces the selected audio, creates a new XSampler track, and loads the bounced audio into XSampler.
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