Cakewalk // Documentation // CakewalkSonar // DPI Awareness
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Window management ► DPI Awareness

Go to Edit > Preferences > Customization - Display.
Select Enable DPI Awareness.
In addition to the global Enable DPI Awareness app setting, you can also enable/disable DPI Awareness on a per plug-in basis for VST plug-ins. DPI Awareness is enabled by default for all VST plug-ins and can be disabled on a case-by-case basis depending on whether the plug-ins are compatible with display scaling. For example, some older plug-ins may appear too small on large, high resolution monitors, in which case disabling DPI Awareness might be preferable.
Click the VST2/VST3 drop-down menu in the VST plug-in toolbar and select Enable Plugin DPI Awareness.
Per plug-in display scaling is only active when the application has Enable DPI Awareness enabled in Edit > Preferences > Customization - Display
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