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View referenceConsole view ► Using the Console view

Right-click a track channel strip and choose Insert Audio Track or Insert MIDI Track on the pop-up menu.
Right-click a bus channel strip and choose Insert Stereo Bus or Insert Surround Bus on the pop-up menu.
Right-click the track or bus and choose Delete Track or Delete Bus on the pop-up menu.
A. Click to scroll one strip at a time
Tip: To disable automation writing for all write-enabled channel strips, click the Clear all automation write enables button in the Control Bar’s Mix module. For details, see Mix module.
Right-click the control and choose Automation Write Enable on the pop-up menu.
To disable automation writing for the control, choose Automation Write Enable on the menu again.
Read Automation and Write Automation buttons are fully colored when they affect the entire channel strip. If only a subset of the channel strip’s controls are affected, the Read Automation button and Write Automation buttons are only partially colored.
Do one of the following:
Go to Edit > Preferences > MIDI - Control Surfaces.
Select your control surface in the Connected Controllers/Surfaces list.
Under WAI Display, select the Console View check box.
Click the Modules menu in the Console view and choose the desired module.
Figure 657. Console view Modules menu.
Click the Strips menu in the Console view and choose Track Manager to open the Track Manager dialog box.
Click the Strips menu in the Console view and choose the desired channel strip type.
Figure 658. Console view Strips menu.
To set all channel strips to wide mode, click the Strips menu and choose Widen All Strips.
To set all channel strips to narrow mode, click the Strips menu and choose Narrow All Strips.
Click the Options menu, point to Sends, then set the desired option:
Click the Options menu, point to Meters, then set the desired options.
To reset all clip indicators, click the Options menu, point to Meters and choose Reset All Meters.
Do one of the following:
Click the Docking Options button and choose Dock in MultiDock.
Do one of the following:
Click the Docking Options button and choose Undock.
Click the Strips menu in the Console view and choose Track Manager to open the Track Manager dialog box.
Clear the Keep track/console visibility states in sync check box and click OK.
Right-click the control you want to assign to a group, point to Group, then select the desired group on the submenu.
Click the Link button .
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