Cakewalk // Documentation // Music Creator 6 Touch // Setting the Metronome and Tempo settings
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RecordingCreating a new project ► Setting the Metronome and Tempo settings

The metronome counts off each beat in a measure, so you can hear the tempo of your project. You can choose to have the metronome sound during recording, during playback, both, or turned off. When you start recording, Music Creator can play any number of beats or measures of metronome clicks before recording begins. This can help you “get in the groove” before you start performing. These beats or measures are called the count-in. When you create a new project, you should set the metronome to play during the count-in and while recording. If you are adding material to an existing project, you might only need the metronome for the count-in. You can customize the metronome sound to use audio or any note on a MIDI instrument. By default, Music Creator uses a hi-hat cymbal sound from a General MIDI drum kit for the MIDI metronome, but you can change this setting to anything you like by changing the MIDI output, MIDI channel, and duration. You can also choose the note and velocity (volume) to use for the first beat of each measure and for all other beats. The metronome settings are stored separately with each project, so you can use different settings for each one.
To enable or disable the metronome during playback or recording, click the Playback Metronome on/off button or Record Metronome on/off button in the Control Bar’s Transport module.
A. Metronome during record B. Metronome during playback
To configure metronome settings, right-click the Playback Metronome on/off button or Record Metronome on/off button , or go to Edit > Preferences > Project - Metronome.
In the Control Bar’s Transport module, click the Playback Metronome on/off button and Record Metronome on/off button .
Right-click the Playback Metronome on/off button or Record Metronome on/off button to show metronome settings.
Select Use Audio Metronome or Use MIDI Metronome.
Press W, or click to rewind to the beginning of the piece.
Do one of the following to access metronome settings:
Right-click the Playback Metronome on/off button or Record Metronome on/off button in the Control Bar’s Transport module.
Go to Edit > Preferences > Project - Metronome.
Table 27.  
Select the Playback check box.
Select the Recording check box.
Enter the number of clicks for the count-in in the Count-in box, and select Measures or Beats.
Note: The Record count-in always applies if there is a specified value, even if Playback and Record are not selected.
Select Use Audio Metronome.
Select Use MIDI Note and choose the output, channel, and other settings.
Select the desired subdivision value in the Beat Subdivision list. The selected value is the subdivision for non-accented audible clicks.
Right-click the Playback Metronome on/off button or Record Metronome on/off button to show metronome settings.
Make sure that the settings in the Port and Channel fields match those for the track in the Track view.
Click on the Key box in the First Beat or the Other Beats section.

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