Cakewalk // Documentation // CakewalkSonar // Setting up a percussion staff or line
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Notation and lyricsWorking with percussion ► Setting up a percussion staff or line

If you want to change a Percussion Staff to a Percussion Line or vice versa, or if you want to change another type of staff to a percussion staff, you can do so in the Staff View Layout dialog box. If you change a track’s clef to a non-percussion clef, the percussion notation settings will be lost.
By default, percussion staves are given Sonar’s default note bindings and notehead assignments. If you want to use your own notation, or if you want to set up the appearance of a percussion line, you need to use the Percussion Notation Key dialog box. In this dialog box, the percussion sounds and staff positions that are bound have an asterisk near their names. When you select a bound percussion sound, a line joins the sound to its staff position. Each percussion sound can be bound only to a single position, but each position may be bound to several sounds. You can use different notehead types and articulation symbols to visually distinguish the sounds.
Click the Staff view Edit menu and choose Layout to open the Staff View Layout dialog box.
Select Percussion Staff or Percussion Line from the Clef drop-down list.
Click Percussion Settings to set up the appearance of percussion notes (see To set up a track’s percussion notation key).
Click Close.
Click the Staff view Edit menu and choose Layout to open the Staff View Layout dialog box.
Click Percussion Settings to open the Percussion Notation Key dialog box.
Select the sound in the MIDI Note list, then select a Notehead Type and Articulation Symbol. (Only bound sounds can be assigned a notehead type and articulation symbol other than the default.)
In the Display As list, click the pitch that you want all unbound notes to display as. Then select a Notehead Type and Articulation Symbol, then click the Default note button to apply your changes.
Select the percussion sound in the MIDI Note list, then click Unbind. Unbound notes are displayed in the default position.
Click the Save button and enter a preset name.
Click Zap All.
Click in the MIDI Note or Display As list, then strike a key on your keyboard.
Click OK to close the Percussion Notation Key dialog box.
Click Close to close the Staff View Layout dialog box.
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