Cakewalk // Documentation // CakewalkSonar // Fretboard pop-up menu
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Notation and lyricsThe Staff view ► Fretboard pop-up menu

When you right-click the Fretboard in the Staff view, the Fretboard pop-up menu appears, giving you choices for note editing, Staff view layout, and Fretboard appearance.
Opens the Staff View Layout dialog box.
Click the Staff view Edit menu and choose Layout to open the Staff View Layout dialog box.
Figure 519. The Staff View Layout dialog box.
Select a track from the list (if the track you want to edit is not in the list, click the Tracks menu and choose Pick Tracks, then select the desired track). The Clef option shows the track’s clef.
If you select Treble/Bass, select a Split point. C5 represents middle C.
If you select one of the Percussion options, click Percussion Settings to set up the appearance of percussion notes.
Click Close when you are done.
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