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MixingEffects chains ► Using FX Chain presets

A. FX Chain container in FX Rack B. FX Chain property page
Right-click an FX Rack and select FX Chain on the pop-up menu.
Drag audio plug-ins from the Browser’s PlugIns tab to an FX Chain to append to it. As you drag a plug-in over the container, it will open automatically, allowing you to drop in the plug-in at the desired position.
Do one of the following:
Figure 415. FX Chain.
A. FX Chain container in FX Rack B. FX Chain property page C. Right-click to add a new plug-in
Figure 416. FX Chain controls.
A. Effects Chain name (double-click to edit) B. Bypass Effects Chain C. Input level D. Input meter E. Scroll plug-in list left F. Click button to bypass/un-bypass plug-in G. List of effects in chain (double-click to open plug-in; drag to reorder) H. Assignable rotary (right-click to assign) I. Assignable button (right-click to assign) J. Scroll plug-in list right K. Output level L. Output meter
FX Chain preset name. The name of the current FX Chain preset. Double-click to rename.
Global bypass. Bypass all plug-ins in the FX Chain.
Input level. Input level before the FX Chain. This parameter is automatable.
Input level meter. Measures the pre-FX Chain level.
Assignable rotaries. Up to 6 assignable rotaries allow you to control automatable plug-in parameters without having to open a plug-in's property page. For details, see Using assignable controls.
Assignable buttons. Up to 6 assignable buttons allow you to control automatable plug-in parameters without having to open a plug-in's property page. For details, see Using assignable controls.
Output level. Output level after the FX Chain, before next effect or FX Chain. This parameter is automatable.
Output level meter. Measures the post-FX Chain level.
List of plug-ins in FX Chain. List of all plug-ins that are included in the current FX Chain preset. The signal flows from left to right. Drag to reorder plug-ins, and right-click to add/remove plug-ins. You can bypass individual plug-ins by clicking the small bypass toggle to the left of the plug-in name.
Do one of the following:
To save an FX Rack as an FX Chain preset, right-click any blank space in the FX Rack and choose Save FX Rack as FX Chain Preset on the pop-up menu. Specify a preset name and location in the Save FX Chain Preset dialog box. All plug-ins in the FX Rack are consolidated into a single new FX Chain.
To save an FX Chain container as a new FX Chain preset, right-click the FX Chain container in an FX Rack and choose Save FX Rack as FX Chain Preset on the pop-up menu. Specify a preset name and location in the Save FX Chain Preset dialog box.
Click the Browse Plug-ins button in the Browser, then drag the FX Chain container from the Track view to the Audio FX section in the Browser. The FX Chain is added to the FX Chain folder.
Do one of the following:
Right-click an FX Rack and choose Load FX Chain Preset on the pop-up menu. Select the desired FX Chain Preset file (*.fxc) in the Load FX Chain Preset dialog box and click Open.
From the PlugIns tab of the Browser, under Audio FX, expand the FX Chain branch and drag the preset to an FX Rack.
Do one of the following:
Right-click the FX Rack and choose Convert FX Rack to FX Chain on the pop-up menu.
Right click the FX Chain and choose Extract FX Chain Plugins on the pop-up menu.
In the Browser, click the PlugIns button to show the Plug-in Browser.
Under Audio FX, expand the FX Chain branch.
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