A. Properties Inspector B. Track Inspector
Arranger Inspector. The Arranger Inspector shows all the arranger sections defined in the project’s timeline, and allows you to create unlimited different arrangements of the current project. Each arrangement can contain any combination of sections, in any order. For details, see Arranger tracks.
Tempo Inspector. The Tempo Inspector shows a list of all tempo envelope nodes and allows you to edit each tempo change BPM, time position, and curve type. For details, see Tempo Inspector and Using the Tempo Inspector.
Track Inspector. The Track Inspector shows mix settings for the current track, bus, or hardware output, and is essentially identical to a channel strip in the Console view. Advanced MIDI settings are also available for MIDI tracks and Instrument tracks. For details, see Track Inspector overview.
Properties Inspector. The Properties Inspector shows properties for the selected clip(s), track(s), or bus(es). For details, see Properties Inspector overview. The Properties Inspector has several modes:
Clip. The Clip Properties Inspector displays settings for the currently selected clip(s). For details, see Properties Inspector - Clip Properties.
Track. The Track Properties Inspector lets you type a track name, specify the automation write mode and time base, specify an audio track’s stretch methods, specify the default clip colors, and enter a text description. For details, see Properties Inspector - Track Properties.
Bus. The Bus Properties Inspector lets you type a bus name, specify the automation write mode and time base, and enter a text description. For details, see Properties Inspector - Bus Properties.
ProChannel. ProChannel combines compression, equalization, and tube saturation modeling in one convenient processor. ProChannel is available on each audio track, Instrument track and bus. For details, see ProChannel.
A. Dock/undock Inspector B. Show/hide Arranger Inspector C. Show/hide Tempo Inspector D. Show/hide Clip Properties Inspector E. Show/hide Track Properties Inspector F. Show/hide ProChannel G. Display area for Properties Inspector H. Display area for Track Inspectors I. Show/hide/configure Track Inspector modules J. Section header bars (click to show controls) K. Show audio output or MIDI settings (Instrument tracks only)Do one of the following:
When the Inspector is docked, do one of the following:
Click the Expand/Collapse button at the top of the Inspector pane.A. Expand/CollapseDo one of the following:
To undock the Inspector. Click the Docking Options button and select Undock, or click to the left of the Dock/Undock button and drag the Inspector to the desired location.
Figure 324. Use the Dock/Undock and Docking Options controls to change the position of the Inspector.A. Docking Options B. Dock/UndockDo one of the following:
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