Cakewalk // Documentation // CakewalkSonar // Exporting clips
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ExportingExporting audio ► Exporting clips

Choose File > Export > Audio to open the Export Audio dialog box.
Under Filename and Location, enter a filename and select a destination folder.
If no clip name is assigned, the exported file will be named Untitled Clip. For example, Untitled Clip.wav.
Under What to Export, click Source Category and select Clips.
Under Format, select the desired file format from the File Type drop-down list:
Under Mix and Render, select the elements you want to include in the export.
If you want to save the settings you created in the Export Audio dialog box, type a name in the Preset box, then press ENTER or click the Create Preset button .
Click Export.
You can tell Sonar to automatically add a specific amount of time to each exported clip. To specify how much time to add to all exported clips to accommodate effect tails, go to Edit > Preferences > File - Audio Data and specify the global Clip Tail Duration N Seconds value. Set the value high enough to allow for any delay or reverb or other effect that you may have patched into a track.
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