Cakewalk // Documentation // CakewalkSonar // Apply Audio Effects dialog
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Dialog box reference ► Apply Audio Effects dialog

Delete the effects from the track FX Rack. This option lets you either keep your effects patched in the selected track(s) after the effects have been applied, or delete the effect from the track(s).
Render in Real-time. This option is normally disabled but should be enabled if the track you are bouncing contains the External Insert plug-in (see External Insert plug-in). If you bounce audio that uses the External Insert plug-in, the bounce operation must be performed in real-time.
Audible Bounce. The Audible Bounce option is only available when Render in Real-time is enabled. When Audible Bounce is unchecked, no audio output will be heard during the bounce process. When Render in Real-time and Audible Bounce are both enabled, you can hear the output of the mixdown.
Caution: Depending on the gainstages used in the project and the mixdown options selected–such as bouncing with Source Category assigned to Tracks, or with mute/solo or automation disabled under Mix and Render, –the output may be louder or softer than during normal playback. Please be sure to turn down the master output level before using real-time audible bounce under these scenarios to avoid the possibility of speaker damage.
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