Publish your Cakewalk projects to BandLab, then embed the song on the Cakewalk User-submitted Songs forum at https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/forum/30-songs (this is much more powerful than posting a stereo mix to your song, because if you additionally provide stems others can offer more constructive advice on your mixes)When publishing to BandLab, a project can be uploaded as a new project, or as a revision of the current BandLab project (see What is a revision?).To publish the current project to your BandLab library, select File > Publish to BandLab or choose Export > BandLab from the Export Control Bar module.Use the Upload Settings options to select the combination of project assets you wish to upload to the BandLab project. Tracks and buses are mixed down prior to uploading to BandLab.To open a BandLab project, select File > Browse BandLab Projects. You may open as a new Cakewalk project or import into an existing project. Note that revisions are only tracked if you open as a new Cakewalk project. Use the Download Settings options to select the types of assets from the BandLab project you wish to download and open.
A Revision is a revised edit of your project with a unique date/timestamp. A new revision is created every time you make a new BandLab project or save an edit of your existing BandLab project.
Upload a new project from Cakewalk. After you have published as a new project, any subsequent updates to the SAME project will upload as revisions to the BandLab project. The Cakewalk project will store a reference to the uploaded BandLab project and tracks changes from that point on. For details, see Publishing the current project to your BandLab library.
Download a project created on BandLab to create a NEW Cakewalk project. After you load a BandLab project to create a new Cakewalk project, any changes to this project will upload as revisions to the ORIGINAL BandLab project. The Cakewalk project stores a reference to the BandLab project and tracks changes from that point on. For details, see Opening or importing a project from your BandLab library.Projects that originate from Cakewalk also follow the same rules. You may also create fresh BandLab songs from a revision by selecting Upload as New Project in the Upload Project dialog box (File > Publish to BandLab).You can invite other people to collaborate on a project via the BandLab cloud. For details, see Inviting collaborators.If you have multiple BandLab user accounts and would like to sign in as a different user, select Help > Sign Out from BandLab, then select Help > Sign In to BandLab to sign in with a different account.
Tip - Searching Documentation
Tip: To search for a specific topic, type your search query in the Search Cakewalk.com field at the top right of this page.
When the search results appear, click which product's documentation you would like to search to filter the search results further.
Note - Using Offline Help
Note: If you prefer to always use offline Help, go to Edit > Preferences > File > Advanced in your Cakewalk software and select Always Use Offline Help.
If you are not connected to the internet, your Cakewalk software will default to showing offline help until an internet connection becomes available.