2. Assign the desired track’s Edit Filter control to Audio Transients.
3. Right-click a clip and choose Pool > Show pool lines on the pop-up menu.Figure 336. Pool lines.
2. Right-click the clip and choose Pool > Add Clip to Pool on the pop-up menu.
2. Assign the track’s Edit Filter control to Audio Transients.
3. Right-click a clip and choose Pool > Show pool lines on the pop-up menu.
1. In the Control Bar’s Snap module, set the Musical Time value to the resolution you would like to add to the Pool.
3. Assign the track’s Edit Filter control to Audio Transients.
4. Right-click in the Clips pane and select Pool > Add MBT to pool on the pop-up menu.
2. Assign the track’s Edit Filter control to Audio Transients.
5. Right-click a selected clip and choose Pool > Apply transient pool markers on the pop-up menu.Markers appear on the selected clips at Pool lines. When aligning clips on multiple tracks, it is necessary to split and/or quantize all clips at the exact same position in order to avoid phase problems when quantizing audio. In order to do so, it is necessary to establish a common, or “master”, transient reference pool which can be applied to all tracks. The Apply transient pool markers command will use the transient pool as a reference, and insert identical transient markers on all selected clips.
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