ファーストカーブ:はじめは急激に、次第に徐々にフェードします。A: 赤の三角A:青い横線の上のカーソル B:青い横線
2. ドラッグ&ドロップオプション・ダイアログが開きます。
2. プロセス|選択クリップのフェードを選択します。
5. OKをクリックしてダイアログを閉じます。
Tip - Searching Documentation
Tip: To search for a specific topic, type your search query in the Search Cakewalk.com field at the top right of this page.
When the search results appear, click which product's documentation you would like to search to filter the search results further.
Note - Using Offline Help
Note: If you prefer to always use offline Help, go to Edit > Preferences > File > Advanced in your Cakewalk software and select Always Use Offline Help.
If you are not connected to the internet, your Cakewalk software will default to showing offline help until an internet connection becomes available.