Cakewalk // Documentation // CakewalkSonar // Using Take lanes
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Arranging and editingTake lanes ► Using Take lanes

Click a track’s Expand/collapse Take Lanes button .
A. Take lanes expanded B. Take lanes collapsed
Note 2: If the Track view Options > Auto Crossfade option is enabled, Sonar adds a crossfade between any newly overlapped clips that are on the same Take lane.
The Expand/collapse Take Lanes button has three states:
Collapsed, with no existing lanes. The button is not highlighted .
Collapsed, with at least one existing lane. The button has a soft blue glow .
Expanded. The button is solid blue .
Click a track’s Expand/collapse Take Lanes button.
Click the Add Take Lane button in an existing Take lane.
Click the lane’s Delete Take Lane button . The lane is removed, and any existing clips are deleted.
Click a track’s Expand/collapse Take Lanes button.
Right-click the Comp clip (see Comp clips) and select Remove Empty Take Lanes on the pop-up menu.
A. Double-click empty lane background to maximize/restore the lane 
Click the Track view View menu and select Display Muted Takes in Parent Track to display muted takes in the parent track.
Table 10. Sample table  
Click the Take lane’s Arm for Recording button .
Go to Edit > Preferences > Project - Record, or right-click the Record button to access recording settings.
Under the Recording Mode options, choose Sound on Sound.
Under Loop Recording, choose Store Takes in a Single Track, and click OK.
Click the target track’s Expand/collapse Take Lanes button so Take lanes are visible.
Click the parent track’s Arm for Recording button. Note: It is important that you arm the parent track, not an existing Take lane.
Set your loop boundaries and start recording multiple passes through the looped area. Note: When loop recording in Sound on Sound mode, you will not be able to hear the prior loop passes until you stop recording. This is because takes are only committed after recording is stopped.
Click a track’s Expand/collapse Take lanes button .
Click the Take lane’s Edit Filter, point to Clip Automation, and select the desired clip automation parameter. Created envelopes are displayed in bold text at the top of the menu.
Note: When Display Clip Fade/Envelope Attenuation is enabled in Edit > Preferences > Customization - Display, Sonar dynamically updates the waveform amplitude when changing clip fades, clip gain automation and clip pan automation.
The Display Clip Fade/Envelope Attenuation option is also available as a key binding in Edit > Preferences > Customization - Keyboard Shortcuts (under Area: Track View).
Do one of the following:
With the Smart tool , position the pointer over the top half of the clip where you want to split the clip, then hold down ALT and click (or lasso to split a region).
Do one of the following:
With the Smart tool , position the pointer over the bottom half of the clip where you want to split the clips, then hold down ALT and click (or lasso to split a region).
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